Bo Huang CV (short)

Contact info

UCSF Byers Hall Box 2532
1700 4th St Floor 3 Rm 303A
San Francisco CA 94143

FedEx only: use zip 94158

tel: 415-476-1866
fax: 415-514-1028

[email protected]


2017- Investigator, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub
2017- Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, UCSF
2014-2017 Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, UCSF
2009-2014 Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, UCSF

Academic training

2006-2009 Harvard University Postdoctoral Fellow Mentor: Xiaowei Zhuang
2001-2006 Stanford University PhD in Chemistry Advisor: Richard N. Zare, Thesis: Chemical analysis of single cells
1997-2001 Peking University, China BS in Chemistry, summa cum laude  

Honors received

2017 UCSF Byers Award in Basic Science
2017-2027 Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator
2016-2018 Finalist, Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists
2016 ASCB Early Career Life Scientist Award
2014 W.M. Keck Foundation Medical Research Grant
2011 NIH Director’s New Innovator Award
2010 Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering
2010 Searle Scholars
2007 GE & Science Young Life Scientist Prize, North American Regional Winner
2006 Annual Reviews Prize in Physical Chemistry, Stanford University
2001-2004 Stanford Graduate Fellowship
1996 Rado Young Genius Prize in China, First Place

Selected publications

  1. E. Khwaja, Y.S. Song, A. Agarunov, B. Huang, "CELL-E 2: Translating Proteins to Pictures and Back with a Bidirectional Text-to-Image Transformer," In: 37th Neural Information Processing Systems NeurIPS (2023).
  2. J. Zhao*, S. Makhija*, C. Zhou, H. Zhang, Y.Q. Wang, M. Muralidharan, B. Huang#, Y. Cheng#, "Structural insights into the human PA28–20S proteasome enabled by efficient tagging and purification of endogenous proteins," Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 119, e2207200119 (2022).
  3. Y. Wang, H. Pinkard, E. Khwaja, S. Zhou, L. Waller, B. Huang, “Image denoising for fluorescence microscopy by supervised to self-supervised transfer learning,” Opt. Express 29, 41303-41312 (2021).
  4. X. Shi*, Q. Li*, Z. Dai, A.A. Tran, S. Feng, A.D. Ramirez, Z. Lin, X. Wang, T.T. Chow, J. CHen, D. Kumar, A.R. McColloch, J.F. Reiter, E.J. Huang, I.B. Seiple#, B. Huang#, “Label-retention expansion microscopy,” J. Cell Biol., 220, e202105067 (2021).
  5. A. Tulpule*, J. Guan*, D.S. Neel*, H.R. Allegakoen, Y.P. Lin, D. Brown, Y. Chou, A. Heslin, N. Chatterjee, S. Perati, S. Menon, T.A. Nguyen, J. Debnath, A.D. Ramirez, X. Shi, B. Yang, S. Feng, S. Makhija, B. Huang#, T.G. Bivona#, “Kinase-mediated RAS signaling via membraneless cytoplasmic protein,” Cell 184, 2649-2664.e18 (2021).
  6. S. Makhija, D. Brown, R.M. Rudlaff, J. Doh, S. Bourke, Y. Wang, S. Zhou, R. Cheloor-Kovilakam, B. Huang, “Versatile labeling and detection of endogenous proteins using tag-assisted split enzyme complementation,” ACS Chem. Biol. 16, 671-681 (2021).
  7. B. Yang, X. Chen, Y. Wang, S. Feng, V. Pessino, N. Stuurman, N.H. Cho, K.W. Cheng, S.J. Lord, L. Xu, D. Xie, R.D. Mullins, M.D. Leonetti, B. Huang, “Epi-illumination SPIM for volumetric imaging with high spatial-temporal resolution,” Nat. Methods 16, 501-504 (2019).
  8. B. Chen, W. Zou, H. Xu, Y. Liang, B. Huang, “Efficient labeling and imaging of protein-coding genes in living cells using CRISPR-Tag,” Nat. Commun. 9, 5065 (2018).
  9. J. Schnitzbauer, Y. Wang, M. Bakalar, B. Chen, T. Nuwal, S. Zhao, B. Huang, “Correlation analysis framework for localization-based superresolution microscopy,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 115, 3219-3224 (2018).
  10. X. Shi, G. Garcia, J.C. Van De Weghe, R. McGorty, G.J. Pazour, D. Doherty, B. Huang*, J.F. Reiter*, “Super-resolution microscopy reveals that disruption of ciliary transition-zone architecture causes Joubert syndrome,” Nat. Cell Biol. 19, 1178-1188 (2017).
  11. R. McGorty, D. Xie, B. Huang, “High-NA open-top selective-plane illumination microscopy for biological imaging,” Opt. Express, 25, 17798-17810 (2017).
  12. S. Feng, S. Sekine, V. Pessino, H. Li, M.D. Leonetti, B. Huang, “Improved split fluorescent proteins for endogenous protein labeling,” Nat. Commun., 8, 370 (2017).
  13. J. Guan, H. Liu, X. Shi, S. Feng, B. Huang, “Tracking multiple genomic elements using correlative CRISPR imaging and sequential DNA FISH,” Biophys. J., 112, 1077-1084 (2017).
  14. M.D. Leonetti, S. Sekine, D. Kamiyama, J.S. Weissman, B. Huang, “A scalable strategy for high-throughput GFP tagging of endogenous human proteins,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 113, E3501-E3508 (2016).
  15. D. Kamiyama, S. Sekine, B. Barsi-Rhyne, J. Hu, B. Chen, L.A. Gilbert, H. Ishikawa, M.D. Leonetti, W.F. Marshall, J.S. Weissman, B. Huang, “Versatile protein tagging in cells with split fluorescent protein,” Nat. Commun., 7, 11046 (2016).
  16. B. Chen, J. Hu, R. Almeida, H. Liu, S. Balakrishnan, C. Covill-Cooke, W.A. Lim, B. Huang, “Expanding the CRISPR imaging toolset with Staphylococcus aureus Cas9 for simultaneous imaging of multiple genomic loci,” Nucleic Acids Res. 44, e75 (2016).
  17. D. Kamiyama, R. McGorty, R. Kamiyama, M.D. Kim, A. Chiba, B. Huang, “Specification of dendritogenesis site in Drosophila aCC motoneuron by membrane-enrichment of Pak1 through Dscam1,” Dev. Cell, 35, 93-106 (2015).
  18. B. Chen, L.A. Gilbert, B.A. Cimini, J. Schnitzbauer, W. Zhang, G.W. Li, J. Park. E.H. Blackburn, J.S. Weissman, L.S. Qi, B. Huang, “Dynamic imaging of genomic loci in living human cells by an optimized CRISPR/Cas system,” Cell, 155, 1479-1491 (2013).
  19. E.M. Puchner, J.M. Walter, R. Kasper, B. Huang*, W.A. Lim*, “Counting molecules in single organelles with superresolution microscopy allows tracking of the endosome maturation trajectory,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Soc. USA, 110, 16015-16020 (2013).
  20. L. Zhu, W. Zhang, D. Elnatan, B. Huang, “Faster STORM with compressed sensing,” Nat. Methods, 9, 721-723 (2012).

Professional activities

  • Instructor, 2010 Bangalore Microscopy Course
  • Instructor, 2011, 2013, 2016, 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Course in Quantitative Imaging
  • Co-organizer, 2012-2014 QB3-UCSF Course on Biological Microscopy
  • Member, Biophysical Society (2002-Date)
  • Member, American Chemistry Society (2005-Date)
  • Member, American Society of Cell Biology (2008-Date)
  • Journal Reviewer: Cell, Nature, Science, Nature Methods, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Communications, PNAS, eLife, Developmental Cell, Journal of American Chemical Society, Structure, Nano Letter, Nanoscale, Journal of Molecular Biology, Biophysical Journal, Optica, Optics Letter, Optics Express, Biomedical Optics Express, Microscopy Research and Technique, PLoS One, Scientific Report, etc.