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2021 to today

September 2023 Congrats to Dr. Khwaja. 
October 2021 Congrats to Emaad and Daniel for passing their qualifying exams.


June 2019

Champagne for Dr. Siyu Feng.

Siyu opening a bottle.
August 2018

Champagne for Dr. Rose Citron.

Rose celebrates with a drink.
February 2018 Xiaoyu won the Mary Anne Koda-Kimble Seed Award for Innovation and the NIH K99 Award.
August 2017

A 3D (printed) model for the ciliary transition zone. Super-resolution microscopy reveals that disruption of ciliary transition-zone architecture causes Joubert syndrome. Nat Cell Bio, 19, 1178–1188 (2017).

June 2017
  • Bo won UCSF 2017 Byers Award in Basic Science.
  • Champagne for Dr. Veronica Pessino.
    Veronica opening a bottle.
    Veronica opening a bottle.
February 2017 Bo has been selected as a Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator.
January 2017

Champagne for Dr. Harrison Liu.

Harrison opening a bottle.
Harrison opening a bottle.
November 2016

Congratulations to Siyu for passing her qualifying exam.

Siyu opening a bottle.
June 2016 Bo receives the American Society for Cell Biology Early Career Life Scientist Award.


August 2015

D2O makes fluorescent protein more photostable. (Heavy water: a simple solution to increasing the brightness of fluorescent proteins in super-resolution imaging, Chem. Comm. 2015)

March 2015

Harrison in UCSF News talking about LegoScope.

lego and wood constructions surround hands with small tile-like objects.
January 2015
  • Joerg is the first student in the lab to get a PhD.
  • Congratulations to Veronica for winning the American Heart Association predoctoral fellowship.
September 2014 Congratulations to Veronica for being selected as a UCSF Discovery Fellow.
June 2014
  • Our imagenomics work won W.M. Keck Foundation support.
  • Harrison has been chosen as a UCSF Discovery Fellow.
May 2013

Congratulations to Harrison and Rose for passing their qualifying exams.

Rose and Harrison celebrating.
March 2013 Rose and Harrison won the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
February 2013

The faculty beat the Tetrads in basketball.

November 2011 Jörg won the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds PhD Fellowship.
September 2011 Our work on macromolecular complexes receives the NIH New Innovator Award.
June 2011 Jörg won the physics study prize from the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation.
May 2011 Robert won the DFG Postdoctoral Research Fellowship.
January 2011 The Huang Lab moves to new space in QB3.


October 2010 Bo won the Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering.
April 2010
February 2010

“Yosemite” up and running.

Yosemite machinery.
January 2010

Welcome to our first members Bryant Chhun and Kuan Lu.

Kuan and Bryant.
August 2009

The exciting start of the Huang Lab in Genentech Hall.

a desk, office chair, computer, and table.
2008 Super-resolution optical microscopy was selected as “Method of the year 2008” by Nature Methods.
2006 Super-resolution optical microscopy was #8 in “Breakthroughs of the year 2006” by Science magazine.