

Bo Huang, PhD
Principal Investigator
[email protected] · @bohuanglab · Google Scholar: Bo Huang · Bo Huang CV short · Bo Huang CV full


Rasmi C. K., PhD
Postdoc (November 2019)
PhD, Indian Institute of Science
[email protected]

Rasmi is a microscopist, interested in building microscopes for biological applications. Currently she is building an epi-illumination light sheet microscope for fast volumetric imaging of cell lines in a parallel fashion over a cell cycle.


Daniel Foyt
Bioengineering Graduate Student (June 2020)
BE, Hofstra University
[email protected]

Daniel is developing in situ hybridization-based methods to study the transcriptome of single cells at scale.


Augusto Berrocal, PhD
Postdoc (September 2021)
PhD, UC Berkeley
[email protected] · @guberrocal

Augusto is studying the role of phase condensates in gene regulation and cell differentiation.


Klaus Yserentant, PhD
Postdoc (March 2022)
PhD, Heidelberg University, Germany
[email protected]

Klaus is investigating how phase condensates of oncogenic kinase mutants activate cancer cell signaling.


Kibeom Hong, PhD
Postdoc (September 2022)
PhD, KAIST, Korea
[email protected]

Kibeom is developing new tools to regulate protein phase condensates in the nucleus.

Dihan Zheng
Postdoc (August 2024)
PhD, Tsinghua University, China
[email protected]


Chih-Hao Lu
Postdoc (Nov 2024)
PhD, Stanford University
[email protected]

Guoxun Zhang
Postdoc (February 2025)
PhD, Tsinghua University, China
[email protected]

